Let's make things better.
Your feedback is vital to us, but let us explain.Firstly we get a clear picture of how our staff are doing. Secondly, we can address any underlying issues and bring them forward at the strata meeting. Rather than just grumbling to yourself, it means issues that affect you can be addressed. It is a win-win for everyone involved. We are doing those things that bug you, and you're getting those issues fixed.
For example, if we've just cleaned a common area. We will pop a business card in all the mailboxes, which has a QR code to bring you to a specific website form for your building. On that form, it will say the services we performed. As a resident of that Strata Building, You get to tell us how we are doing. When the time comes for the next strata meeting, we can provide you with the submitted data, which means that any problems and performance issues get addressed. We believe in optimal outcomes for everyone.
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